How are you today?

How are you today?

One of the ways I have overcome disempowering beliefs is this!

It is one of those questions we ask of ourselves and others with whom we come in contact daily.  What is your reply? How do others reply when you ask that question?  Did you know that how you reply to that question is how you will be?

The next time and in the future reply to “how are you?” With I AM GREAT or I AM FAnTASTIC! This sets you up and your brain to being GREAT.  If you say not bad in answer to this question you will never be good, great or fantastic.

Everything you say or think is energy. What you say puts out vibrations to the universe with instructions how you will feel.






Try this for a week and see how you feel.  Comment here and let us know how this makes you feel.


Here’s to you living and succeeding!

