Watercolor Pet Portraits
Pet Portraits
Watercolor or Acrylic Pet Portraits! I love dogs and other pets. We have a rescue dog from Vieques Puerto Rico. His name is Ming, his acrylic pet portrait is below. Sparky is another rescue from Vieques, but he still lives in Vieques with two other rescues at out friends home. For every commissioned pet portrait I will donate $20 to the Windham County Humane Society. Please help them or your local humane society. There is so much need!

Here is trooper! Such a beautiful rescue from Kentucky who lives sometimes in Vermont, but mostly in Connecticut. His owners are big supporters of the Windham Country Humane Society. This portrait was my donation to them for the charity auction. So much fun to do and capture his big smile and heart. The owners met me to take possession of the painting and they were ecstatic!

Sparky is a happy inquisitive boy. He has a lot of anxiety and follows his house mates around. He was the last dog to join the family, so for the time being his is low in the pecking order!

I would be happy to paint your favorite pet. Just email me so we can chat about what that might look like at [email protected]. Prices start at about $225 up to $300 and they can be in watercolor or acrylic. The finished painting will measure up to 9×12″ and matted to 11×14 read for framing.
Ming is such a funny, caring dog. He is high energy and as you can see from this painting he cocks his head to the side when he is listening to you. I even painted in his buck teeth which he shows when he is happy! I like to bring out the animals soul and essence in my paintings.
Check out my landscape paintings at: Landscape Watercolors!